Board Member

Jawad Aslam was born and raised in the USA. In 1999, after completing his MBA in the USA, he came to Pakistan for three years to pursue a degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Ashrafia Islamic University. After working in high-end real estate development in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., Jawad moved to Pakistan and joined Saiban in 2006, the only non-profit affordable housing developer in the country.

During his time at Saiban he was selected to be a Global Acumen Fellow. As a Fellow he developed the business plan for Ansaar Management Company (AMC) with a vision to become a leader in the provision of high-quality, affordable housing in the private sector.

In 2015, Acumen, a New York-based investment fund, successfully exited its investment in AMC—the second largest global exit of Acumen at the time.  Currently, two specialized investors in housing and infrastructure, Reall and Places for People of the UK, have brought a sizeable investment into Pakistan through AMC.

Currently AMC has 7000+ affordable homes in the pipeline in various cities of the Punjab and KPK.  Jawad is a well-reputed practitioner in the field of affordable housing on global forums, serves on several boards, including the Global Advisory Board of Acumen.  He lives in Islamabad with his wife and daughters.

Jawad Aslam
Board Member