Justifying Employment Termination

This case study is part of the project being undertaken by Policy Research Institute of Market Economy (PRIME) with support from Atlas Network. The aim is ‘Making Pakistan a Trusted Business Partner’ through improving Pakistan’s ranking and score in ‘Enforcing Contracts’ and to improve the overall ranking of the country in the World Bank’s Doing Business Index over 2016-18.
A lengthy, cumbersome and costly mechanism to seek enforcement of contracts is detrimental to the business environment of a country. Investors shy away from such economies where rule of law is weak and uncertainty looms large. Therefore it is important for achieving a favorable investment climate in the country that business contracts get honored and where a dispute arises, it can be settled at a suitable cost and time duration.
All names mentioned in the case herein have been changed to protect privacy. Real court cases, where final order has been passed, have been picked for illustrating the nature of disputes and the issues with the contract enforcement mechanism in Pakistan. The case studies do not mean to comment on the justness or unjustness of the arguments presented by any party to a case.
All publications by PRIME Institute can be viewed online at primeinstitute.org