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Author: PRIME Institute

How intimately SROs and Development in the textile sector

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

How intimately SROs and Development in the textile sector


Import related Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) issued by the Federal Board of Revenue decrease the efficiency of the markets by tending the market players to play in line with the SROs issued instead of the actual market prices. The ability of FBR to make changes in the custom tariff lines through SRO, empower them to deal with the vested interests of many entities. The beneficiaries of SROs are then enabled to ‘extract rents’ and earn extra large profits without having need to produce and compete effectively in the market. Moreover, in such an environment, investors are reluctant to respond well hence the whole market is then shifted to the chosen ones.


To read the full report, click here: How intimately SROs and Development in the textile sector 

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Role of CNIC

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

Role of CNIC

Women have legal claim and right on the property of husband, father, brothers and other
relation. But in practice these rights are denied to women on different pretexts especially due to their weaker social status. In 2008, government initiated Benazir Income Support Fund Program; which targeted extremely poor women in Pakistan aimed to bring a socioeconomic change in their status. This report focuses on the role of Benazir Income Support Fund Program and its impact on women’s property rights and the socio-economic and psychic influences on women. This study aims to specifically explore the role of Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) in securing women’s rights to property as only CNIC holder women are eligible to apply for assistance.


To read more, click here: Role of CNIC

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State led pilferage the case of electricity of provision in Pakistan

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

State led pilferage the case of electricity of provision in Pakistan

There is little doubt that economic growth and energy consumption go hand in hand. Accordingly, the highest per capita consumption of electricity is found in the countries that have the highest per capita income. 1 There is considerable evidence to suggest that, of the various variables that are part of the growth of a nation’s economy, power consumption plays a critical role. 2 Further disaggregation by source confirms electricity to be the most vital component of this positive correlation between economic growth and energy consumption. The demand for electricity usually out paces growth, and is followed by other sources in the energy mix (coal, natural gas, petroleum, etc).3 The strength of this relationship, though, varies from country to country. Above all, it is dependent upon the structure of production that is prevalent in an economy.


To read more, click here: State led pilferage the case of electricity of provision in Pakistan

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The Footprints of Leviathan Dwindling Forests of Pakistan

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

The Footprints of Leviathan Dwindling Forests of Pakistan

Pakistan’s forests have been degenerated at the world’s highest rate. In its efforts for afforestation and conservation, Pakistani state has done a range of experiments from complete control to community participation to farmers’ cooperatives. It has continued to view forest with a timber-lens consistent with colonial legacy whereas it has not achieved its objectives of conservation. This paper considers the efforts of Pakistani state largely inconsequential and somewhat counterproductive. The paper makes the case of liberty in jungles based on private property rights, free trade of timber and market-friendly policies.


To read more, click here: The Footprints of Leviathan Dwindling Forests of Pakistan

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Weaving advantage in textile sector

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

Weaving advantage in textile sector

The global clothing and textile industry is large, diverse and fragmented. It offers products ranging from those that are very basic in nature (like ginned cotton) to complex, value-added products (designed by brands like Nike). It employs an estimated 75 million people, has a market worth that is estimated to be more than $2 trillion, and exports related to this category were to the tune of $786 billion in 20141. Barring any major shock, the market is estimated to grow by an average of 7% and above in the coming years. The largest share in this market is of women’s wear ($621 billion), men’s wear ($402 billion) and children’s wear ($186 billion) respectively. A snapshot of the total textile imports and exports by top 10 countries is presented in table 1.


To read more, click here: Weaving advantage in textile sector

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Policy Brief on Automobile sector

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

Policy Brief on Automobile sector

The automobile sector today operates within the rubric of several policies, frameworks and regulations: the Industrial Policy 2011; the Trade Policy Framework 2012-15; the Finance Acts which modify the fiscal and tariff regime backed by the Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) and the Customs General Orders (CGOs); the Auto Industry Development Programme (AIDP) 2008; the Tariff Based Scheme (TBS); Pakistan Standards; and the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS).


To read more, click here: Policy Brief on Automobile Sector

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Withholding Tax Regime: History, Consequences for Business and Implications for Policy

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

The contribution of Withholding Taxes in direct tax revenue has surpassed 75 percent, and it has brought in more than Rs. 860 billion to the government kitty in 2014-15. On the other hand, the number of tax return filers has gone down considerably from 1.8 million in 2006 to 0.85 million in 2014-15. The decision to apply a differentiated rate of Withholding Tax (WHT) on filers and non-filers, while penalizing the later, is seen as government’s attempt to bring people back into tax net. However, the unseen and unintended consequences of an increasingly complex WHT regime might be exact opposite. This analytical report discusses the history of WHT in Pakistan, its consequences for businesses and implications for the tax policy as well as tax administration.

To read the full report or download for offline reading, click here: Withholding Tax Regime: History, Consequences for Business and Implications for Policy

Towards Flat, Low-rate, Broad and Predictable Taxes

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

Federal and provincial governments in Pakistan have shown a lukewarm attitude in restructuring the country’s tax system to achieve efficiency, equity and to promote economic growth. Complex tax codes, complicated procedures, reliance on easily-collectable indirect taxes, weak enforcement, inefficiencies, incompetence and corruption are main factors for low tax collection.

Instead of broadening the tax base and simplifying laws, federal and provincial governments offer amnesties, immunities, tax-free perks and perquisites to powerful segments of society. As a result of this policy mindset, ordinary businesses and citizens suffer. This paper argues radical revamping and restructuring of the entire tax system, suggesting flat, low, broad and predictable taxes.

To read the full report or download for offline reading, click here: Towards Flat, Low-rate, Broad and Predictable Taxes

Provinces Tracking Report 2016-2017

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

Provincial Tracking Report reviews economic performance of three provinces, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh by tracking the progress made on the implementation of economic manifesto announced by the parties in power in these respective provinces i.e. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People’s Party-Parliamentarians (PPP-P). In case of Balochistan, the report includes a commentary on the socio-economic status of the province instead of following any manifesto
because of a mid-term change in the government. The purpose of the Provincial Tracking Report is to initiate and inform policy dialogue and public debate on the progress made by political parties vis-à-vis their electoral promises. This tracking directly serves the basic principle of a functioning democracy: accountability.

To read the full report or download for offline reading, click here: Provinces Tracking Report 2016-2017

Provinces Tracking Report

by PRIME Institute PRIME Institute No Comments

Provincial Tracking Report reviews economic performance of three provinces, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh by tracking the progress made on the implementation of economic manifesto announced by the parties in power in these respective provinces i.e. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party-Parliamentarians (PPP-P). The purpose is to initiate and inform policy dialogue and public debate on the progress made on their electoral promises. This tracking
directly serves the basic principle of a functioning democracy: accountability.

To read the full report or download for offline reading, click here: Provinces Tracking Report